A couple weeks ago our Peace Corps friends separation anxiety got the best of us, so we went on a little road trip out to the east coast. We visited friends in Pittsburgh, Philly, and then hit up the Radiohead concert in Cleveland on our way home. It wasn't exactly on our way home, but whatever, it was still a really great show. It was sort of the culmination of the Summer of Abby and Owen. When I was in between junior and senior years of high school, I didn't work, stayed up until 5am every night, slept til 2pm every day and basically did nothing, so my Dad dubbed it "The Summer of Owen." He'd come home from work and ask, "How's the summer of Owen going?" because he was jealous of the fact that all I did that day was play video games and eat bean dip. Anyway, long story long, this summer, with the exception of a little school for Abby, has been The Summer of Abby and Owen. We've gone out with friends, taken trips, and generally enjoyed having a little money and a lot of free time. Abby's back in school now, and I'm *this* close to getting a job (PS Thanks a lot, Peace Corps, for being totally useless on the job search front), so the summer is coming to a end, but here are some pictures of us, doing nothing and loving every minute of it.