Monday, March 20, 2006


Well, this is our last day here in St. Louis. Today has been pretty nuts because although we've actually done some pre-packing, there are still a lot of things to pack, last minute details to take care of, etc. We've been been on over-drive since about 8:30 this morning, running around the house, making trips to get boxes and taking things over to Abby's parents house. I finally took a minute to eat some left-over chinese and sit down for a second before plunging back in.

It looks like we'll be pretty much down to the wire here, but hopefully tomorrow's an easy day because I'm going to be dead tired.
We have about two days of training in Detroit (well, actually at a hotel by the airport in a suburb of Detroit), and I can only imagine what a blast that will be. Filling out forms, getting inoculations! It's going to be a blast. Oh well. This is about as much time as I can spare, so backing to packing and my next post will be from the warm, polluted confines of Manila. Hooray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys from Mom and Dad: We have been thinking of you, well now they are in Detroit and now you are in the Philippines (I will have to come up with a short version of that name, maybe "Phil" so that I don't have to type the whole thing out each time). I am glad to see that you are getting a chance to add to this blog often. I figured that the end of the packing stuff would be hectic, it seems that no matter how prepared you seem to be the last day is always a scramble.
When you say that you will be going to host families, I am guessing that some Filipino families are going to put you up while you are doing your language training, will you two be together? That should be interesting and a good way to become immersed in the lang. Is it hot there? Any first impressions of the people and culture?
Dad, Anna and I went to the beach this past weekend for a three day holiday. Some neighbors here in our building have a condo overlooking in the ocean that they rent out to people that they know. We had a great time spending every day on the beach and evenings watching movies and having a fire in the fireplace, we even roasted some marshmallows. We were very lucky to have great weather too.There were a lot of agates on the beach below the condo and we picked up quite a few, I think that I may pick out some of the best ones and send them to Paula so that she could use them in her jewelery making. This is spring break for me and for Anna, Dad has to work, but he took yesterday off. Anna has just left for Vancouver BC with a couple of friends, she will be back on Saturday. I will have the rest of the week to do projects and get a few things done.
I am sure that it is warm there but we are in the height of spring here with lots of trees and flowers blooming everywhere, Portland puts on quite a show in the spring. Our weather is warming up slowly and it is feeling pretty mild out there.
That's about all our news, we love you and miss you already, but it is so nice to be able to read what you are up to, the blog was such a good idea. Love and hugs, Ma